NYC Dominatrix Lady Victoria – Guest of Honor – DomCon 2018 –

It was My pleasure to attend
DomCon New Orleans 2018 as Guest of Honor
to receive an award for having attained
Prominence and Excellence
as a Dominatrix

DomCon is a bi-annual event held in Los Angeles in the spring and New Orleans in the fall.
While LA is The Big One and more of our international Sisters fly in, I love NOLA for its intimacy and wild energy.
I find friendships grow deeper with a smaller group.
With the wild energy of NOLA right at our doorstep, we wind up out on the town until the wee hours-smiles and laughter abound!

Dominatrices and Strip Clubs go together extraordinarily well =^.^=
This year it was 'Hunk Oasis' with Mistress Leigh of Pandora's Box and several other NYC Dominas.
Without a submissive to kneel behind My chair and give Me dollars to tip, I set My stand-in bratley bear upon the stage to hold the dollars =^.^=

Goddess Phoenix has become a beloved friend and mentor.
A highly respected Dominatrix,
She embraces the art of being a sensual and seductive player.
When I was new, I had this idea that I should hide that in Myself, emulating the harsh archetypes out there.
Lol, thank Goddess, I met this Goddess!
We have spent many kink-cations together; Domme Trips Jamaica and Cozumel, Plunge Fetish Jamaica.
She enjoys traveling the world as a teacher of kink on cruise ships. There may be news in the works... 😉
(Yes, there is a teddy bear in the bag at My feet, representing My collared pet who could not attend, bratley bear.)
the way the
lights shine
on My latex...

Miss Lila Sage and I first met at a New Year's Eve party in Los Angeles for 2018.
She was a lifestyle Mistress curious about the profession; we were introduced by one on My Burning Man campmates.
It was My pleasure to share what I learned. She has become a Top Dominatrix I am delighted to have Her as My Sister.
Intelligence is perhaps the quality I value most. I have met a lot of beautiful women who cannot hold up a conversation. Miss Lila is delightfully witty, plus kind and funny =^.^=
It was a pleasure to collaborate with Her on doubles when She had Her first tour to NYC.
Sharing interests in hypnosis we created a unique experience. It was a hit with those we tested it out on and I look forward to further developing it in the future.
Many thanks to the
DomCon Advisory Board!
I am deeply grateful for the community they bring together and nurture, My chosen family with so many beautiful Sisters =^.^=

As one of the taller Dominas in the world, I am in the back row on the left, just to the right of Miss Lila.